B.R.A.G Medallion Honoree
Quality Independent Book
Cover Creation by John R. Mauldin
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Jake MacCorkle returns from combat in Afghanistan to limited prospects. Wounded more in mind than body, he lives with his father and reconciles to a depressed life between the VA and home until strange, vivid, dreams intrude. Laughing, he shares the dream details with his father. His father’s reaction is unexpected.
“We have to talk …” is all his father will say.
In the last glimmer of sunshine, he saw a magical twilight. The grey, leafless trees stood barren, waiting. The earthy-brown leaf litter held glints of red and yellow sprinkled along the bank. The glittery river, with variants of grey, brown, and black rocks breaking the surface, was lit by the setting sun. The entire scene infused with purple, blue, and red hues.
I’ll do it now.
Future Books
The Orb balances good and evil between the world of the faeries and the human world. Will the Journal reveal how The Orb was created?
As Jake trains to become a wyzard, he is drawn further and further toward power. As training enhances his ability, it challenges his self-control and discipline. How will he over come his innate drive for action?
And other questions …
Is Clacks dying? Where did he go? Can Jake find him?
Why is Erceldoune despondent about his injury?
What happened to Weir and Simion?
Will Vivian marry Jake?